View Profile danwolves
Halo thar.

Dan Collins @danwolves

Age 32, Male



Joined on 10/24/05

Exp Points:
4,380 / 4,440
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Vote Power:
6.22 votes
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1,580 Points

Everything for Everyone 10 Points

Unlock the secret Newgrounds treasure.

What is Best in Life? 5 Points

Earn your first gold medal on a stage.

What is Good in Life? 5 Points

Earn your first bronze medal on a stage.

You must be a relative... 50 Points

Save up $30,000 in earnings.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Einstein Approves 25 Points

Buy the Atomic Bomb

Hero-shima 25 Points

Purchase all of the store upgrades.

E=MCpwned 50 Points

Cause enough chaos to reach the x5 Multiplier

I came prepared. 25 Points

Purchase the turret upgrade before the 8th day.

Pump up the Volume 5 Points

Reach chaos for the first time

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Well, I made a post of here last year on my birthday and I've decided to make it something of a tradition that I'll keep up for however many years I remember, so for now it's tallied at 2. It's actually 2:42 AM in the morning here in UK on the 2nd of August and I'd actually forgotten to write a new blog, but Newgrounds being over in the USA I can sort of cheat and write it here and still get away with it showing up as the 1st.

Well there's nothing too different happened for me the last year apart from giving up on various flashes and pieces of work because I'm too lazy to finish them. However as every other year it's been a pretty good year for gaming and I've played my fair share of games I've enjoyed during the last year I posted. Need to invest in a few more though. Well anyway, now that I'm 17 I'm going to start learning to drive, I've got my first lesson on Monday and I have a competely free summer ahead of me pretty much so I'm gonna do as many hours as much as I can in the next 5 weeks or so. Also football (soccer) season starts in 2 weeks in the Prem so that's something to look forward too in the time being.

I'm a bit disappointed with myself for not depositing on quite a few days this year and it's probably something that I'll regret as I stay level 20 for a while longer, oh well, it's only a picture and nobody really takes note of sign up date and level anymore, makes me think I should of been more of a poster than a lurker for the last 4 years or so. Ah well, never mind, it's probably a good thing.

Anyway Newgrounds, don't think my next blog update will be for a year now, unless something big happens, in the meantime here's a loveable frame I found of a Cyanide & Happiness comic I found in my pictures documents. Enjoy.

Another year gone

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